Hosted by
Amarjit Singh

Amarjit responds to a social media post asking, “how do you know what is true?” He provides his method for determining truth and shares information about his background which shaped his approach. He goes on to discuss the psychological crisis that we find ourselves in as a result of the pandemic. This leads to a psychological assessment of group hypnosis.

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How do I know what is true?

I will answer this question in two ways: Personally, how I know what is true; and generally, a method for arriving at truth.

For all my faults, I do have some qualities that serve me well. First, I’m a curious person who enjoys studying and research. I spent over 10 years in the university. I have years of experience building and evaluating mathematical models in education and the business world. Also, as a result of a strange childhood education in my early years, and having such a wide variety of interests I’m autodidactic in many fields. Second, I have dedicated myself to understanding Truth in a way that most people don’t.

Before explaining the focus of understanding Truth, let’s look at the process of acquiring proficiency in something. This way you can recognize that there are levels of understanding Truth.

Many people learn how to play a musical instrument. There are those who have a natural capacity and learn it without much effort. We say it comes naturally to them. Contrarily, there are others that have to practice diligently in order to be proficient. Then there are those who have a natural capacity and also diligently practice. We know that musical ability has a wide range. This is true with everything.

Similar to the levels of competencies found in playing musical instruments, there exist varying abilities in understanding Truth. However, in order to perceive that there are levels of being able to understand Truth, I will share my process of arriving at Truth.

  1. Remove judgment.

It’s impossible to truly understand something if you judge it. If you’re choosing a side, you’re judging. Preconceived biases hinder understanding. A big obstacle to this step is allowing your emotions to control your thinking. This is ONE OF THE BIGGEST issues preventing understanding and poor communication.

  1. Research raw data.

Evaluate the raw data from a neutral perspective. This is easiest if you’re looking at numbers and mathematical models. I prefer to look at raw numbers and read scientific peer reviewed research. However, this is not always possible. Don’t align yourself with anyone’s opinion/interpretation before doing your own research. This reduces biases.

  1. Evaluate the data.

Evaluate the assumptions made through causation or correlation. Sometimes there are mistakes in the conclusions from the data. What is the data telling you?

  1. Compare your understanding to others.

At this step, find people who are on both sides of the issue and compare their arguments to your understanding. This step requires an understanding of psychology, as well as philosophy. Psychologically speaking – who is the person presenting the argument? What biases do they have? What is their worldview? Do they have an agenda? Etc. Philosophically – are their holes in their argument? Is there logic sound? The better understanding you have of psychology and philosophy, the better equipped you are to evaluate and compare your own conclusion. Like my example of musical abilities, there is a WIDE range of competences in logic and psychology.

It’s very important to NOT be attached to your opinion. Most people are so attached to their opinion that they won’t accept information that contradicts it.

  1. align your vibration with Truth (This step overlaps with step 3)

Subjective truth is not universal. I typically take the point of view that does not harm or infringe on the freedom of others, and accept anyone’s subjective opinion as long as it does the same. However, when it’s something that can be quantified, or takes away the freedom of others, the Truth is more definitive.

Truth has its own vibration.

Everything is vibration. Your body is 100 trillion atoms vibrating together so fast that they appear to be solid. Vibration causes sensations. Each vibration is unique, causing a unique sensation within the framework of the body. When you train your awareness on the subtleties of sensations, you begin to learn how to recognize them. This is the process of yoga, of life – going from the coarse to the subtle. The subtlest vibration being God.

The process of awareness of sensations begins as a baby. You learn how to differentiate the sensations caused by stomach ache and hunger for example. As you progress through life your awareness expands and you recognize more. You have sensations that you call emotions. You try to corelate the vibration of emotions with cause and effect. When I feel this way, it means that I feel sad, happy, depressed, anxious, fearful, etc. Some people consciously train their awareness to tune into the vibrations within through yoga, therapy, or other methods. Typically, people limit their understanding to vibrations/sensations that we call emotions. However, everything causes a vibration. This is why music creates such strong feelings. When you listen to music from your childhood it recreates particular feelings because the sound reminds you of thoughts, and these thoughts cause a vibration which creates sensations.

Just like each emotion has its own vibration, so does Truth. Many people understand this vibration to some extent. Almost everyone has dealt with someone that was lying to them and “felt” it. Most people can recognize the coarse version of this. The blatant lies. As you train your awareness it becomes subtler. When your awareness is tuned into the vibration of the Ultimate Truth, you become self-realized. If you’ve ever been fortunate to be close to someone who is self-realized you will have a better understanding of the potential we all have to tuning into Truth.

Depending on your karma and dedication to the process of creating awareness you learn how to experience Truth. This goes back to what I was saying about the ability to play a musical instrument. There are those who train their awareness by doing yoga a couple times a week, or by meditating 30 minutes a day, or by other methods. Then there are those who have dedicated their life to it – living in monasteries, renouncing the householder’s life, etc.

Because of my karma I have a natural capacity to stop the mind and connect to the subtle, and I diligently work on this capacity by meditating up to 10 hours a day. I have dedicated my entire life to this. I arrive at Truth through the combination of my subtle awareness, psychological understanding, use of logic, and experience with research and analysis.

My overall hypothesis is that people would see the truth if they examined the data with critical reasoning, and weren’t corrupted by the manipulation of information and poor education. However, there does appear to be something more than that preventing people from seeing what is really going on. Why are people refusing to look closely at the information? Why are people afraid to let go of their opinion in the face of information that contradicts it?

There appears to be a psychological crisis happening.

According to Professor Dr. Mattias Desmet, there is mass formation and totalitarian thinking happening. Mass formation phenomenon that is a hypnosis that has a huge impact on the intelligence and cognitive functioning of individuals. This explains why highly intelligent people believe in a narrative and numbers that are wrong, while ignoring what is true.

He says that 4 conditions need to exist for large scale mass phenomena to exist.

  1. People need to be socially isolated
  2. Have a lack of sense in their life. (for example, working a job that has no meaning)
  3. Have free floating anxiety (anxiety not connected to a specific representation)
  4. Have free floating psychological discontent (psychological discontent not connected to a specific representation)

Conditions 2 through 4 existed before the covid crisis. There are estimates that around 40% of people are dissatisfied with their jobs and feel they have no meaning. The amount of people on psychotropic drugs for depression and anxiety is an indication of the severity of anxiety and discontent in society. Free floating anxiety is considered the most painful psychological phenomenon someone can experience.

The first step in this mass hypnosis is that people are looking for something to connect their anxiety to. They are looking for an explanation. The media provides a narrative which indicates an object of anxiety and presents a strategy to deal with it. Then all the free floating anxiety gets connected to this narrative and they are willing to follow it no matter of the cost. This is the beginning of mass formation. The second step, is a collective battle. A new social bond to connect the people. This causes a mass hypnosis. It then doesn’t matter when the narrative is wrong because being able to connect the anxiety and discontent causes a mental intoxication.

This mental intoxication leads to a narrowing of the field of attention; people only see what fits the narrative. For example, in covid they see the victims, but don’t see the collateral damage of the lockdowns. Furthermore, they don’t feel empathy at an emotional level for the effects of the lockdowns. The mass formation focuses people so much that they don’t pay attention to what is taken away from them, like their freedom. This is similar how a person can be hypnotized to have surgery without anesthesia because their attention is limited.

The reason you can’t change their mind through information is because they don’t want to go back to the painful state of free-floating anxiety. They are experiencing a mental intoxication through being able to associate a cause – corona, with their anxiety and psychological discontent. They don’t want to go back to the way it was when the anxiety and discontent was free-floating. It’s too painful.

In order to combat mass formation, people need to address their own issues with anxiety and discontent; to find proper identifications in their personal life.

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Mentioned on the show

Dr. Mattias Desmet,

Study to identify groups hesitant about the covid vaccine

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Episode 44