Participate in the podcast by submitting your questions!
Questions related to living your potential and the obstacles that are getting in your way. This opens it up to anything that is preventing you from living a peaceful, authentic, and fulfilling life. Any challenges you may be experiencing – habit patterns that are difficult to break, problems with relationships (family, friends, partners, colleagues), and people in general, difficulties personally and professionally, etc. Your question could also be about something talked about in one of the episodes; if you would like clarification about something said, or would like to go deeper into a particular topic.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Record your questions to be played on the podcast. Please keep your questions concise.
You may also submit a question through the contact form below. Write your question in the contact form to be read on the podcast, or attach a voice recording to the form to be played on the show. (For example, you can record from your voice memo app on your phone and attach it to the form below). Please keep your questions concise.
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This podcast is funded through your donations. Please know that whatever you offer is received with much gratitude!